Product delivery policy

The products that are ordered through are delivering only on the territory of the Republic of Kosovo.

All products will be delivered to the delivery address that you must submit when creating the order.

Delivery time depends on the delivery location. Estimated delivery time is 48 hours from the moment of confirmed order. In accordance with our capabilities, the product will be delivered to you as soon as possible.

Boutique de la Parfumerie SH.P.K. reserves the right to extend the delivery time by prior agreement with the buyer. Delivery is doing through our delivery service or through external collaborators.

We delivering on any day of the week except public holidays and non-working days.

Before the delivery of the product, the buyer will be contacted by phone, on the phone number left for contact, to confirm the date and time of delivery.

If the order is made on Saturday, Sunday or non-working day, this procedure starts from the first following working day. Weekends and non-working days are not included in the delivery deadline.

The delivery of the product is done at the specified delivery address by the buyer. Every buyer is obliged when checking the product, to check it for possible damage during transport, and if it is more than one product, to check if any product is missing. If the product is delivered damaged, or a certain product is missing from the order, the buyer should inform us immediately, in order to take measures to eliminate the unintentional error. In this case, the cost of replacing the product will not be borne by the buyer.

If the buyer wants to replace the product, he is obliged to keep it undamaged, unpacked and unused together with all attached documents. If there is a delay in delivery by the company engaged to perform the delivery, Boutique de la Parfumerie can not take any responsibility.

If you have additional questions, please send them to the following email address [email protected] 

Last change: 03.01.2023


We are looking for FRAGRANCE ADVISORS to offer personalized services to our Customers

You will act as a salesperson and represent our company and all its products to our Customers.

Fragrance Advisor responsibilities include:

We offer competitive salary package to suitable candidates. If you consider yourself suitable for this role, please do apply by: Calling +383 49 565 229

or sending your CV to [email protected] We will be pleased to meet with you!!!


Ne jemi në kërkim të KËSHILLUESVE PËR AROMAT për të ofruar shërbime të personalizuara për klientët tanë

Ju do të veproni si shitës dhe do të përfaqësoni kompaninë tonë dhe të gjitha produktet e saj te klientët tanë.

Përgjegjësitë e këshilltarit të parfumeve përfshijnë:

Ne ofrojmë pako konkurruese për kandidatët e përshtatshëm.

Nëse e konsideroni veten të përshtatshëm për këtë rol, ju lutemi aplikoni duke:

Telefononi +383 49 565 229 ose dërgoni CV-në tuaj në [email protected]

Ne do të jemi të kënaqur të takohemi me ju!!!