Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs the way Boutique de la Parfumerie SH.P.K. (hereinafter “Parfumerie”) collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected by users (hereinafter “user”) when visiting its website (hereinafter: “website”).

This privacy policy applies to this website only.

The personal data protection policy is organized as follows:

What information do we collect?

For what purposes is the collected data and information used?

How is personal data processed?

Search engine cookies

Data security

Changes in the privacy policy

Acceptance of the terms

What information do we collect?

When you visit the website, your privacy is fully respected.

When you visit the website, Parfumerie processes your personal data (personal identification and contact information, delivery address), which you leave in the form when shopping for some of our products through the website

When shopping online, Parfumerie does not have access to the data associated with your payment card or bank account, as they are sent directly to a certified payment card transaction processing center and the bank via a secure connection.

For what purposes is the collected data and information used?

Parfumerie processes your personal data for:

– Making contact with the user and delivering the products that are ordered through this website.

Your personal data will not be processed for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was collected.

How is personal data processed?

Parfumerie processes your personal data in accordance with the regulations for personal data protection of the Republic of Kosovo, taking all prescribed technical and organizational measures to ensure confidentiality and protection in the processing of personal data at its disposal.

Parfumerie employees are obliged to keep confidential all information (including personal data) that will be obtained during the performance of their duties.


Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device to enhance the user experience and are not linked to your personal information that you have previously provided to us.

With the help of cookies, Parfumerie monitors the movement of visitors to the website and thus collects data for a better understanding of the use of the website by visitors, in order to improve the user experience, optimize and enhance the functionality of the website.

Cookies allow us to identify your browser the next time you visit the website. Cookies may store your preferences and other technical information, but they may not read data or information from your hard drive or mobile phone or read other saved cookie files from other Internet sites.

Parfumerie uses several types of cookies to operate the website:

-Necessary cookies – cookies that are necessary for the proper functioning of the basic functions of the website such as navigation, site traffic statistics, content optimization, etc. They are usually set up in response to a particular interaction you have with the website, such as cookie settings, login or filling out electronic forms. These cookies do not contain any personal information and can not be turned off with these settings. There are several cookie options you can customize in your browser to block or notify you of these cookies, and some parts of the website may not work properly.

– Analytics cookies – cookies that allow us to count visits and sources of traffic, in order to measure and improve the performance of the website. They help us analyze which pages are most visited and see how visitors navigate the page. All information collected by these cookies is aggregated and anonymous.

-Functional cookies – cookies that enable better functionality and personalization of the content of the website.

The website has only such type of cookies that are stored on the user’s computer, according to the settings of the internet browser, which the user has set.

There are only these types of cookies on the website that are stored on the user’s computer, according to the browser settings that the user has set.In the settings of your browser, users can choose to have the browser reject or delete cookies. If users select this option, certain parts of the website may not function as intended.

To change cookie settings, click: Cookie settings

Data security

We take security seriously and take a number of precautions to protect the security of personal data. HTTPS security protocol is used when processing and transmitting information to our servers. You can access your personal information on our website by entering your password and username. This password is encrypted. We recommend that you do not share your password with anyone. Your personal information is stored on a secure server to which only we have access.

Changes in the privacy policy

Parfumerie reserves the right to update this privacy policy at any time. When we do, we will notify the website and revise the update date at the end of this document. The User agrees that it is his responsibility to periodically review the Privacy Policy and that he is aware of any changes.

Acceptance of the terms

By continuing the online collection and use of the website, the user accepts the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please cancel your order on this website.

Boutique de la Parfumerie SH.P.K.

Date of update: 01.03.2023


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Ne jemi në kërkim të KËSHILLUESVE PËR AROMAT për të ofruar shërbime të personalizuara për klientët tanë

Ju do të veproni si shitës dhe do të përfaqësoni kompaninë tonë dhe të gjitha produktet e saj te klientët tanë.

Përgjegjësitë e këshilltarit të parfumeve përfshijnë:

Ne ofrojmë pako konkurruese për kandidatët e përshtatshëm.

Nëse e konsideroni veten të përshtatshëm për këtë rol, ju lutemi aplikoni duke:

Telefononi +383 49 565 229 ose dërgoni CV-në tuaj në [email protected]

Ne do të jemi të kënaqur të takohemi me ju!!!